Saturday 15 September 2012


Captioned cartoons is a type of haiga/ekphrasis form that combines art (in this case my caricature portraits) with my short caption-style poems.Below are a few samples from my various series.
These caricature drawings and poems are my copyright.but maybe used for educational purposes provided due acknowledgement is made and advice thereof made to me at
see also my haiga blog (where caption is inset as a part of the artwork)which complements these caption cartoons
we all remember
where..that day
shock and awe
left us no say
                                                                              E G  (my gran)
a life of service,a housewife unsung
for me..her face
is ever young                                         
To appear here shortly       
                                                                                                                    J of A
he gave Him...his tomb ..better his heart..he gave Him room

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